To be completed by the Trainee after each procedure * Denotes required field Surgeon Name (Trainee)* First Last Faculty member name* First Last Hospital/Training Facility*Date of surgery* DD dash MM dash YYYY This is my laparoscopic colectomy number*12345678910otherPlease elaborateCASE INFORMATIONBMI*Prior abdominal surgery?* Yes No Indication for surgery* Benign Malignant SurgeryType of resection*Right hemicolectomyLeft hemicolectomyTransverse colectomySimoid colectomyTotal colectomyOtherPlease specifySpecimen extraction site*PfannenstielMidline infraumbilicalMidline supraumbilicalPeri-umbilicalTransverse off midlineOperative time- minutes, skin to skin*Converted to open?* Yes No Reason for conversion*Multi-select by using the CTRL or COMMAND keyEquipment issuesBleedingExposure/anatomyBowel perforationAdhesionsObesityInflammatory conditions/phlegmonInadequate trainingFailure to progressOtherComplicated Surgery No Yes If yes, please select:*Multi-select by using the CTRL or COMMAND keyAbscessFistulaPhlegmonAdhesionsAdvanced TumorOtherPlease specify*Anastomosis* Intracorporeal Extracorporeal Extracorporeal* Stapled Hand-sewn Stoma* None Ileostomy Colostomy Reason*Intra-op event* Bleeding Enterotomy/Seromyotomy Other Iatrogenic injury Other Please specify*SELF-ASSESSMENT1- Unable to Perform 2- Very Difficult 3- Experienced a few difficulties 4- Slight Difficulties 5- Competent 6- Proficient 0- Not applicable Correct OR setup*(positioning of monitors, energy platform, foot pedal, etc.)Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableAppropriate patient positioning*(Tucking arms correctly, securing patient with bean bag, avoiding pressure points, ensuring access to anus for transanal stapling)Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableSafe access of peritoneal cavity & establishment of pneumoperitoneum*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableExposure of surgical planes*(e.g. deflection of small bowel for medial to lateral approach, adequate retraction to identify vascular pedicles, plane between omentum and transverse colon and lateral dissection along white line of Toldt )Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableSafe identification and dissection of vascular pedicles*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableDissection of mesentery and mesocolon*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableIdentification of duodenum, ureter*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableMobilization of hepatic / splenic flexure*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableMesorectal dissection (where applicable)*(Correct identification of mesorectal plane, hypogastric nerves)Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableSafe extraction of specimen*(use of wound protector, avoiding overaggressive traction on specimen)Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableAnastomosis*Unable to PerformVery DifficultExperienced a few difficultiesSlight difficultiesCompetentProficientNot applicableOVERALL PERFORMANCE*How difficult was this operation?1 - Very Difficult2345 - EasyComments