To obtain dedicated research time it is important to figure out who will pay your salary. As soon as you leave your regular residency for more than six months most provinces will consider that you are no longer providing a service that is worth being remunerated.

Many programs in Canada have internal funds to allow residents to pursue dedicated research. However, these funds can be limited. It is therefore important to apply for external funding. If you manage to get external funds, you will not only be able to pay for lunch, but you will also benefit from the prestige of peer-reviewed funding. It is a great way to validate the importance of your project and begin building your academic capital.

It will be worthwhile to discuss research with a research chair in your program. Some programs have a Surgeon Scientist Program, which may fund you as a resident to complete a M.Sc. or Ph.D. This is tied in with the accredited Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Clinician Investigator Program at some schools.

Below are a few key sources of external funding. Keep in mind that there may be other specialty specific funding agencies not listed. Make sure to ask your supervisor about all possible funding opportunities and apply to as many as you can. The process of applying for these types of grants will help you understand your project better and will help you perfect your writing skills.

National and International Funding Sources

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

– Masters and doctoral awards. Application deadline changes annually
– Fellowship award. Application deadline changes annually

Candidates must choose one or the other. Those with a strong research background and/or previous graduate work may be competitive for the Fellowship award. Those with little or no research experience are probably best suited to the Masters award.

CIHR Awards

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

– Value = $50,000 over a maximum of 3 years, maximum of $25,000/year
– Up to $10,000 in salary support
– Application deadline: March each year

Medical Education Research Grant

Surgical Society Sources of Research Funding

Canadian Association of General Surgeons

– Value = Two grants of $40,000 each for 1-2 years
– Application deadline: May each year

 – Only Residents/Fellows in their final year with an appointment the following year are eligible to apply with a letter confirming the start date of their appointment.

Canadian General Surgery Foundation Operating Grant

American College of Surgeons

– Value = $30,000 for 2 years limited to projects in Surgery or surgical specialties
– Applicants who hold a research award from another professional society are not eligible to apply

Resident Research Scholarships

Association of Academic Surgeons

Society of University Surgeons

For residents who have completed a minimum of two years of residency training and who plan on spending minimum of one year in research

– Value = $30,000 award for 1 year
– Application deadline: May each year

SUS Surgical Research Fellowship Award

Society of Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)

– Value = up to $30,000 x 1 year
– To encourage new ideas in endoscopic and gastrointestinal surgery
– Application deadline November each year

SAGES research grant

Canadian Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

– Value = varies by year
– Application deadline: June each year

Research Operating Grant

Provincial Grant Sources

There are many provincial grants available, however for the most accurate and timely information you may wish to seek out your Research/Program Director.

Online Resources for Grants and Proposal Writing

Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Guidebook for New Principal Investigators

National Institutes of Health – Grant Writing Tip Sheets

McMaster University – Elements of a Successful Proposal

Western University – Grant Writing Resources

Other Funding Sources

Canada Grant Watch – 

Physicians’ Services Incorporated, for Ontario Residents – 

Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation – 

NSERC- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada –